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UtilityDirect to Energy Manager
Report Comparison

Below is a listing of the available reports in UtilityDirect along with their descriptions and the corresponding Energy Manager reports that will show similar data. If you are use to running a particular report in UtilityDirect, use this table to find which report you should run in Energy Manager.


Report Name
Report Description
Energy Manager
Report Name
Building List Shows information for all Buildings, including the Building Name, Building Type, Zip Code, Location, Area, and Occupants Facility List
Provider List Shows Providers that are listed in the UtilityDirect account. Vendor List
Bill Account List Shows information for all accounts and lists the Bill Account number, the Building it's tied to, the Provider, and the Utility Type. Account List
Building Use per Sq Foot Generates a bar graph comparing the usage (by unit of measure) for a single building, multiple buildings, or all buildings on a square footage basis. The comparison can be made for a single month or all months in a given year. Facility Energy Use Ranking
Building Cost per Sq Foot Generates a bar graph comparing the cost for a single building, multiple buildings, or all buildings on a square footage basis. The comparison can be made for a single month or all months in a given year. Facility Energy Cost Ranking
Use By Building Generates a bar graph comparing the single or multiple types of utility usage for a single building, multiple buildings, or all buildings. The comparison can be made for a single month in a given year. Energy Use Graph
Cost By Building Generates a bar graph comparing the cost for a single building, multiple buildings, or all buildings. The comparison can be made for a single month in a given year. Energy Cost Graph
Building Total Use Generates a bar graph of total use for a utility type for a single building, multiple building, or all buildings. The comparison can be made for a single year or multiple years. Energy Use Trend
Building Total Cost Generates a bar graph, broken down by month, of total cost for a single building, multiple buildings, or all buildings. The comparison can be made for a single year or multiple years, and can include one or multiple utility types. Energy Cost Trent
Cost By Occupants Shows the total cost, cost per building occupant, cost per square foot, and occupant status for a single building or multiple buildings. It can be generated for a single month or all months for a single year or all years. Historical Data by Service
Building Use Comparison Generates a graph comparing the usage of a single utility for a single building or multiple buildings. It can be generated for a single year or multiple years. Energy Use Graph
Building Cost Comparison Generates a graph comparing the cost of a single utility for a single building or multiple buildings. It can be generated for a single year or multiple years. Energy Cost Graph
Global Building Use Summary Shows use by month by utility type for each building. It can be filtered by single or multiple building types, utility types, months, and years. Energy Use Trend
Global Building Cost Summary Shows cost by month by utility type for each building. It can be filtered by single or multiple building types, utility types, months, and years. Energy Cost Trend
KBTU Per Sq Foot Generates a bar graph showing the usage per square foot, in KBTU, of all accounts that are measured by units of energy for multiple buildings. It can reflect a single month for a given year or every month for that year. Energy Use Details
KBTU/Cost By Building Generates a pivot table that displays the Building, Utility Type, Meter Type (including Submeters), KBTU, KBTU/Area, Cost, and the Cost/Area of energy for multiple buildings. It can reflect a single month for a given year or multiple years. Energy Cost Details
KBTU Report Shows the total KBTU of the gas and electric accounts, as well as the area for multiple buildings. It can reflect a single month or all months for a single year or multiple years. Energy Use Details
Energy Efficiency Report Shows the KBTU of the gas and electric accounts by square foot per total degree days, as well as the area for a single or multiple buildings. It can reflect a single month or all months for a single year or multiple years.


Avoided Cost - used to produce a normalized base year.

Global Cost Per Sq Foot Ranks buildings on a cost per area basis. It can be filtered by single or multiple building types, utility types, months, and years. It can also be filtered to only areas greater than a specified square footage. Facility Energy Cost Ranking
Global Building Use By Utility Shows total use by utility type for each building by single or multiple building types, utility types, months, and years. Monthly Use and Cost by Facility
Global Building Cost By Utility Shows total cost by utility type for each building by single or multiple building types, utility types, months, and years. Monthly Use and Cost by Facility
Global Building Use/Cost By Utility Shows the total use and cost for each building by single or multiple building types, utility types, months, and years. Utility Use and Cost
Global Building Cost Ranks buildings on a cost basis. It can be filtered by single or multiple building types, utility types, months, and years. Facility Ranking Chart
Global Use Per Sq Foot Shows all buildings in the account on a use per area basis. It can be filtered by single or multiple building types, utility types, months, and years. It can also be filtered to only areas greater than a specified square footage. Facility Ranking Chart
Account Details By Building Shows start/end dates, use, demand, and cost for each bill for each account. It can be run for a single year. It is a comprehensive report that can be used to build detailed graphs or charts. Create a Custom Report based on Historical or Ranking data, General Data Lists, or Utility Bill data
Building Report Shows utility cost by building and utility type in a pie chart format. Energy Cost Breakdown Pie Chart
Cost Per Sq Foot Shows the cost per square foot for a single account for a single or multiple years. Account Use and Cost
Use Per Sq Foot Shows the usage per square foot for a single account for a single or multiple years. Account Use and Cost
Cost Per Day Creates a line graph showing the average cost per day of a single account for a single or multiple years, broken down by month. Account Review
Use Per Day Creates a line graph showing the average use per day of a single account for a single or multiple years, broken down by month. Account Review
Billed Demand Creates a bar graph showing the total demand for a single account. The bars compare each month for a single year or compare multiple years. Line Item Summary by Category
Account Cost Trend Creates a line graph showing the total cost for a single account. The line shows the cost for each month spanning a single year or multiple years. Account Use and Cost
Account Use Trend Creates a line graph showing the total use for a single account. The line shows the use for each month spanning a single year or multiple years.

Account Use and Cost

Billed vs Registered Demand Creates a line graph showing the billed and registered demand for a single account. Separate lines show the type of demand for each month spanning a single year or multiple years, broken down by month. Line Item Summary by Category
Account Use and Cost Creates a line graph showing the total use and cost for a single account. Separate lines show the use and cost for each month spanning a single year or multiple years. Account Use and Cost
Average Unit Cost Identifies abnormal average cost per unit. It runs by month for multiple years and ranks them from highest to lowest average unit cost. Account Review
Average Unit Cost By Utility Type Provides monthly or annual comparison of average cost per unit consumption by utility type. Utility Cost Details
Note Report Shows any bill entries that have a note entered for any month. It displays the Building, Bill Account, Utility Type, Unit, Fiscal Year, Start and End Dates, Use, and any Notes entered. If no notes have been entered, the entry will not be included on the report. Create a Custom Report based on Utility Bill information
Missing Bill Shows the bills that are judged to be missing from the Bill Entry page by looking for blank "Begin" and "End" dates or if the Estimate box is checked for an individual month. If the Start and End date fields are blank, then the Bill Month is listed along with the Account Number, Fiscal Year, Vendor, and Building. Utility Bill Gaps
Account Status Shows Active and Inactive Bill Accounts that are grouped by status. It can be filtered by Active, Inactive, or Both. Account Statistics
Bill Determinant Report Allows you to report on entries made on the Bill Entry page by month and includes the Bill Account, Building, Provider, Utility Type, Unit of Measure, Month, Start and End Dates, Determinant Name, Determinant Unit, Usage, and Cost. Line Item Use and Cost
Cost Budgets Gives a monthly breakdown of what has been budgeted, the actual amount spent, the difference, and the percentage difference. *Future Development*
Use/Cost By Provider Shows use and cost by vendor by month or year. It shows use/cost for each account and subtotal costs by vendor. Vendor Use and Cost
Yearly Utility Cost Shows utility costs in a bar graph format. It can be run by single or multiple years, months, utility types, and building types. Utility Cost Graph
Global Gas Usage Converts gas consumption in multiple gas units of measure into KBTU and into another unit such as CF, CCF, MCF, Therms, Dekatherms, or MMBTU. It can be run by single or multiple building types, months, and years. Built-in function of Energy Manager
Submeter Details Shows any fixed cost, meter average, or virtual submeter data pulling from a master account or that is manually entered. It includes Total Use, Total Cost, and Cost/Unit as well as the Submeter, Building, and Utility Type. Allocation Report
Submeter Use/Cost By Utility Shows all submeters by utility type and gives the Cost, Use, and Unit Cost for each, as well as the unit of measure. Allocation Report
Weather Trend Generates a graph for a given zip code showing the number of heating degree days and/or cooling degree days per month for a single year or multiple years. Hourly Temperature & Humidity
Weather Normalization Designed to give users a general estimate of the effect of weather on utility consumption from year to year, and a general estimate of any possible utility usage avoided from year to year. Avoided Cost reports
Bill Alerts A tool that performs up to fifteen error checks on your billing data and send the results to the message area on the home page. Bill Validation / Account Review